+25 votes
in Sekolah Menengah Atas (SPM) by (6,010 points)

10 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,465 points)
belive in yourself and always think positively
0 votes
by (3,510 points)
Just be yourself. Fake it till you make it
0 votes
by (1,105 points)
just imagine you are own this world in your hand and no one can replace you
0 votes
by (1,920 points)
0 votes
by (280 points)
Believe in yourself and accept who you are by ignore what other say
0 votes
by (650 points)
Believe in yourself and ignore what others say
0 votes
by (-50 points)
Avoid daydreaming, stay away from influential friends and always concentrate
0 votes
by (1,165 points)
love yourself first
0 votes
by (0 points)
Have faith in itself, don't care what other ppl said or their criticism
0 votes
by (4,675 points)
Believe yourself can do it
eTanya (dahulu dikenali sebagai Hi! Cikgu) ialah laman tutorial percuma di mana anda boleh menanya soalan dan mendapat jawapan mengenai pembelajaran, sama ada sekolah rendah, sekolah menengah rendah, SPM, STPM atau tahap yang lain.