+87 votes
in Lain-lain by (290 points)
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How to move on from something we did'nt expect it to happen? Any tips?
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by (4,145 points)
Be urself and dun bother about them
by (140 points)
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Look at your life as a journey, silence your inner critic, reflect realistically, let go of fantasy, feel the feelings, talk about it and explore your attachment style

22 Answers

0 votes
by (280 points)
apabila fikiran mula memikirkan dia, masa itu lah kita bersiap untuk tidur
0 votes
by (7,415 points)
Makan cekelat banyak-banyak..
eTanya (dahulu dikenali sebagai Hi! Cikgu) ialah laman tutorial percuma di mana anda boleh menanya soalan dan mendapat jawapan mengenai pembelajaran, sama ada sekolah rendah, sekolah menengah rendah, SPM, STPM atau tahap yang lain.