+7 votes
in Sekolah Rendah by (3,880 points)
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1) Run=……………

2) Eat=………………

3) Play=……………

4) Sleep=……………

5) Cat=…………………

1 Answer

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by (810 points)
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1)flee, leak, evaporate, ramble(this is for the action that you are exercising/running)


execute, implement,  enforce, comply(this is for the meaning of doing)


3)play, drama, show, theatrical, performance, sport

(This is for the things u see at gajet such as TV and phone)


game, play, recreation, sporting

(The this u main)

4) couch

5)Feline,puss, pussycat, moggy, mog

by (4,675 points)
boek ah
eTanya (dahulu dikenali sebagai Hi! Cikgu) ialah laman tutorial percuma di mana anda boleh menanya soalan dan mendapat jawapan mengenai pembelajaran, sama ada sekolah rendah, sekolah menengah rendah, SPM, STPM atau tahap yang lain.